To create a vehicle that excels beyond the racetrack, in many kinds of weather, as rewarding to a novice driver as a seasoned professional, we brought together the AS Class drivers – the top development drivers at Nissan.[1]
It shifts the world of transmissions
GT-R Transmission
To break records, first break with convention
GT-R Midship Platform
When building the Nissan GT-R, we followed a philosophy that says nothing is sacred. A perfect example: the Premium Midship Platform. By moving the engine farther back in the chassis, it reduces weight over the nose for better handling. In traditional layouts, however, this would place the transmission rearward, intruding into the passenger cabin.
The solution: separate the transmission from the engine, and mount it with the transfer case in the rear of the vehicle, creating an independent rear transaxle. By putting greater weight over the rear axle, traction and braking are improved. It even creates less heat between engine and transmission, allowing both to run cooler and more efficiently. A brilliant innovation in pursuit of handling perfection.
The secret of speed is much
more than horsepower
more than horsepower
GT-R Braking